Monday, March 15, 2010


In history we have been learning all about the Vikings. Evie brought in a Viking Longship model to show all of us!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

For Mother's Day we wrote a poem on the computer. We made a chocolate sweet and we are going to give them to our mothers on Mother's Day. I can't wait I hope they like them!xxxx

Posted by: Missy

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sam Maguire and Liam McCarthy Cups

We all dressed up today in our GAA jerseys and had our photos taken with the Sam Maguire and Liam McCarthy cups. The Kerry captain and Kilkenny captain were there too!

Intercultural Week and Irish Aid Centre Trip

Our Intercultural week began on Monday the 22nd of February. Everybody in our school who is from a different country got their picture taken and displayed in the hall. Mr.Morris's class dressed up and presented projects on different countries.
On Friday the 26th our class, Ms. Rooney's and Ms.Markey's class went on a trip to the Irish Aid centre. We learned about world hunger and how volunteers from Ireland can help the people in Malawi. We played games, watched a video and did a quiz. Thank you to Amal and Claire our guides for the morning.

Pitta Pizzas

In school we made Pitta Pizzas.

  1. We sliced and toasted our pitta bread.

  2. We spread pizza sauce onto the pitta bread.

  3. Added cheese and our favourite toppings.

  4. Then we heated our Pitta Pizzas in the microwave.

  5. Cut our pizzas into halves, quaters and eights using our fractions from maths!

  6. Eat and Enjoy.

St.Brigid's Day

To celebrate St.Bridgid's Day we made our own St.Bridgid's Day crosses. Children from Ms.Magrath's class came and helped us.